is a collective body of 34 professional musicians representing the Police and Border Guard Board. The Orchestra was established in 2010 by joining the former Police Orchestra and Estonian Border Guard Orchestra.
The range of performances of the Orchestra is wide and the calendar of concerts is many-sided in style. It includes performances on events of the Police and Border Guard Board as well as on national events, concerts on music festivals and in concert halls. We have had cooperation with many Estonian beloved musicians, soloists and groups and we have issued a lot of discs. The Orchestra has also participated in several music and tattoo festivals outside Estonia, including in Australia, Canada, Spain, Germany, Finland, Russia, Denmark, the Netherlands, Lithuania.
Estonian Police and Border Guard Orchestra BIG BAND
is a collective body of jazz loving musicians of the Orchestra, who has been active in Estonian music scenery for 20 years already. The input of the former big bands of the police and the border guard, which were joined in 2010, has been remarkable. Both staffs may be considered to be leaders of big band music after Estonia regained independence, popularisers of this style of music and a springboard of many young Estonian jazz musicians. The staff of the Big Band includes today several recognized Estonian musicians, among these are Jaak Oserov, Peedu Kass, Danel Aljo, Ülo Mälgand, Roland Karu, Keio Vutt and others.
The conductors of the Police and Border Guard Orchestra are: Riivo Jõgi and Siim Aimla.
The other smaller musical groups practicing in the Orchestra are Dixieland group, Swing group, Brass-wind Quintet.
The soloists of the Police and Border Guard Orchestra have been: Antti Sarppila, Esko Heikkinen, Petri Juutilainen, Joonatan Rautio, Sven Grünberg, Kristjan Randalu, Lenna Kuurmaa, Tõnis Mägi, Ivo Linna, Bonzo, Kaire Vilgats, Birgit Varjun, Liisi Koikson, Gerli Padar, Tanel Padar, Ott Lepland, Sofia Rubina, Marvi Vallaste, Hedvig Hanson, Jassi Zahharov, Margus Vaher, Silver Laas, Mait Malmsten, Märt Avandi and others. We have also had cooperation with several ensembles and groups, including Ultima Thule, Ro:Toro, Singer Vinger, HU?, Svjata Vatra, TU Male Choir.
Ingrid Põldoja
+372 577 05 829